Future Business Leaders of America spend the day at Studio 190

Earlier this month, Molly Little, Delarc’s CEO was invited by Walton Central School District’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) to come speak to their group. Molly spoke about The Arc’s mission and the programs and services offered to people with developmental disabilities in Delaware County, and shared information about Delarc’s paid internship program for High School Students.? The eager group had asked Mrs. Karen Gilberston, Walton Central School guidance counselor who advises the FBLA, if they could visit and do a community service project with Delarc. The students were drawn to Studio 190 because of their own artistic interests. The date was set, and everyone was ecstatic!

The FBLA students arrived at the Studio yesterday and met up in the conference room at Studio 190 where they completed their first project of creating their own name tags. A basket of three different sticker designs with positive messages were passed around. Each student selected one sticker that would result in identifying which group they were paired with. The groups would rotate amongst the studio working on different projects that would be typical projects for the artists at Studio 190, giving them an opportunity to experience all that the Studio has to offer.? The students were introduced to a sewing station, paper m?ch? station, as well as a painting station.? The students received praise and positive encouragement from the artists and the direct support staff (also referred to as Life Coaches at Delarc) throughout their day.

The painting station
The painting station was a collaborative project that all groups would participate in on their rotation. The painting station was led by the Studio Coordinator, Leah Schmidt, and the Assistant Studio Coordinator, Nicky Carr. The studio artists worked with the students on measuring, making straight guidelines, placing the vinyl letters in place, then using their creativity to paint.? The objective of the painting project was to create a new sign for the studio which will proudly be displayed in front of the studio; keep an eye out for it in the near future, once it’s installed.

The sewing station
The sewing station consisted of a project that would typically be something worked on at the studio. Life Coach Tammy Phoenix set the station up with pre-drawn designs for each student to choose. Tammy walked the students through the process of working with a sewing loop and other supplies. The students worked side-by-side with Delarc’s sewing artists whose work you can find displayed on tote bags, pillows and canvas’s which are available for sale at the Studio 190 store.? It was exactly as you’d picture a sewing circle with everyone gathered around, working on sewing projects, chatting and having a good time.

The paper m?ch? station
The paper m?ch? station was led by Life Coach, Amanda Schecher along with Life Coach, Ruby Desforges.? With the support of the Studio artists, the students learned different paper m?ch? making techniques, then applied those techniques to create paper m?ch? eggs. The room where paper m?ch? took place is also where wood working projects and gardening projects happen. This allows the Studio 190 crew the opportunity to learn how to refurbish and/or build furniture as well as working on their gardening skills.? This is playfully often referred to as the “dirty room”, because you’re guaranteed to come out covered in sawdust, paper m?ch? goop, dirt, or something just as messy!

Final project
Before the students worked on their final project, they gathered back in the conference room for a pizza lunch. They discussed how their day was going and shared what their favorite part has been so far.

“My highlight of the day was meeting and working with everyone.”

There was one project left for the students to participate in before the day ended. Making their own unity bloom magnets. Tammy Green and Studio 190 artist, Denise, led the group in making their own unity bloom magnet.? The unity blooms represent a spirit of inclusion, cooperation and unity, which was fitting for the visit. It is Studio 190’s signature piece.? Unity blooms can be found around Delarc and throughout the community; you can purchase yours online or stop by the studio to pick one out!

The Studio artists and students had a blast. Before leaving, the students took time to capture pictures with the artists as a keepsake of such a special day.

Thank you to the FBLA students and Mrs. Karen Gilbertson for visiting and creating artwork as well as memories. When you pass by Studio 190, be on the lookout for the new sign!

If you or your group would like to schedule your own visit to Studio 190 or any of our other programs, contact our Community Relations Dept. 607-865-7184 or email delarc@delarc.org? ?If you are interested in purchasing artwork from Studio 190, be sure to check out Studio 190s art store . If you’d like to help support Delarc, your donation or membership would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!



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