
Advocacy Is In Full Force at Delarc and Across NYS

The Arc New York Central Region Chapters, representing individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families, are pleased to announce the success of their Legislative Call-In Day across the Central NY Region. These chapters included The...

Texas Voters With Disabilities Share their Stories

The following blog post was originally published on the Legal Defense Fund’s website and is reposted here with permission. View the original blog here. In San Antonio, Texas, community members and advocates gathered outside of the federal courthouse on October 2, 2023...

Why Black Disabled History Matters

The following blog post was originally published on the World Institute on Disability's website and is reposted here with permission. View the original blog here. By Dikko Yusuf Black disabled history is an aspect of Black history, which informs world history. Black...

A Journalist’s Guide to Disability for Election 2024

Journalists, did you know people with disabilities are the largest minority voting bloc in our country It's also a population that has been growing rapidly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet all too often, people with disabilities and the issues vital to them...

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