Car Wash for a Good Cause

Our community relations department is great at coordinating opportunities for the people we serve to help out in the community. When discussing with the group about fundraising, it piqued their interest to ask more. Kevin spoke up and said, “I want to give back.” The group nodding in agreement, stated they wanted to give back as well. After discussing options and learning of different ways they can give back, the idea sparked to run a car wash fundraiser. They decided to raise funds for a place near and dear to their hearts, the Heart of the Catskills Humane Society.

They reached out to Tractor Supply in Delhi, NY to find out if they would be ok with them holding the car wash in their parking lot. Once they got the approval, the date was set and the flyers were made.

The day finally came, and everyone was excited. Signs were made and held up to wave cars into the parking lot. A line of cars pulled up with eager passengers to get the dust washed off their cars, as well as donating toward a great cause. One gentleman approached and said, “I’ll wash my own truck, but I wanted to donate.”

A grand total of $270 was raised and donated to the Heart of the Catskills Humane Society!

Thank you, Tractor Supply, for letting us use the parking lot. Thank you to our volunteer car washers. And a big thank you to everyone who came out and got their car washed for a good cause!


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