May The 4th Be With You

Delarc celebrated May the 4th in Star Wars fashion. Friday, May 3rd, staff and self-advocates dressed in their favorite Star Wars character attire and enjoyed the Star Wars themed day. Individuals had the opportunity to win prizes by entering in an art contest and/or writing contest. Star Wars themed coloring pages were available as part of the art contest, or individuals could submit their own original artwork.

Art Contest Winners:
Coloring Page: Katie Hodges, Patricia Finch & Tyler Sullivan
Original Art: Seamus Killian
Writing Contest Winners:
Shelby MacDonald, Sarah Mills & Matthew Russell
“I think the Stars Wars Character C-3PO would make a great Delarc employee. Here’s why, he was primarily for etiquette and protocol. He would excel at following all the rules and regulations set by the state, Delarc and OPWDD. C-3PO is also fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. With this being such an important topic and value at Delarc, he would be a great asset to help us improve. C-3PO is very dedicated to his friends and his cause which shows he was a kind heart that Delarc looks for in our employees. He loves to talk and can be the comic relief in a situation which would help him make connections with the people we support. He is also a diplomat, so he would be able to hear a problem and help come up with a solution that would be best for the situation. He is an all-around SEAN and would make a great employee and leader for Delarc.” -Shelby MacDonald
“Delarc looks for people who show they are smart, nice, willing to learn, think out of the box and several other things. Han Solo is one of these people. He is not afraid to do things that appear to be hard. Afterall being a “scoundrel ” and “smuggler” is not an easy thing. He had to be resourceful and think on his feet. I will say that he wasn’t the perfect “employee” at the start, or even a team player. But over time he became someone who could be trusted and counted on. He is loyal and flexible, as seen in the Empire Strikes Back. On the planet Hoth, he felt he needed to leave to take care of a debt. When he heard that Luke had not returned to base, he quickly changed his plan an went out in the freezing cold to find Luke.
In return of the Jedi, on the Moon of Endor, he was “team leader”. He did not assume that his friends, who he knew could count on, would be part of his team. He allowed them to speak up and make their own decisions.
In the Force Awakens, Han was pivotal in the change of KyloRen (aka- his son). Han believed the best, that he could bring his son back, despite the evil everyone else saw. Han still saw some light/good. This, I believe, was the “tipping point” of Kylo’s inner struggle.
These few examples show characteristics that Delarc looks for in its employees, willingness, flexibility, teamwork, loyalty, belief that people can learn and change.” -Sarah Mills
“Unlearn what you have learned.
See with eyes closed you must.
With a heart judgment free, you must look.
Unknown are the ways of others.
Struggles can be visible.
Invisible some are.
Alone you are not.
Connected we all are.
Together helping reach individual victories everyday we must.
There is no try…there is only THRIVE”-Matthew C. Russell
Saturday, May 4th
On Saturday, May the 4th, the festivities continued. Individuals gathered at the Hamden location adorning their Star Wars attire. There were games, a Star Wars movie playing in one room, crafts and lunch provided by the Hamden Kitchen. The menu included sandwiches, wookie cookies, yoda soda and more.

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